I present here the last few copies of
Bob Lawson's Book
The Kerrs of Ferniehirst
1205 -1692
Less than 50 available with no plans for a 3rd reprint
The cost of short run printing has become prohibitive
Interested publishers are welcome to get in touch at the Email link below
A must for all Clan Kerr members - this is a book to pass down to the generations to come
This is the history of the Kerrs of Ferniehirst, descendants of the De Kers introduced into Ayrshire from Cherbourg by David I of Scotland. Displaced during the wars of independence the Kers allied themselves with the Black Douglas's supporting Wallace and Bruce, fighting for the freedom of Scotland against their English aggressors.
Herein a tale of knights and courtiers, of war, murder, loyalty and survival played out through 400 years of conflict against a backdrop of the hills and valleys of the borderland between Scotland and England.
Bob Lawson has lived and worked in the Scottish Borders for over 30 years. As the Curator at Ferniehirst Castle and Author of this website clankerr.co.uk his researches have unearthed a treasure trove of information concerning the Kerrs, Carrs and Kers, some of which you will discover between these pages.
E-mail: curator@clankerr.co.uk (copy and paste if you don't use Outlook or a similar application) for details and make sure of your copy now - price £18 GBP + postage & packing
This is a rare book from the collection held in our famous circular library contained in the 16th century round tower at Ferniehirst Castle.
Self published very few of these books were printed in 1923
Below I have included the frontispiece and an extract from the introduction, I have scanned and prepared the complete volume as a pdf.
Double-click here to add your own text.